Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can cause you to stop breathing up to hundreds of times each night while you sleep. In addition to triggering symptoms like daytime fatigue, irritability, headaches, and brain fog, sleep apnea can also increase your risk for high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Common Causes of Sleep Apnea
Because sleep apnea is such a serious condition, early recognition of risk factors is important. Sleep apnea risk factors include a narrowed airway, a family history of sleep apnea, smoking, diabetes, chronic congestion, excess weight, and more. Each of these factors can make it more likely that the soft tissue at the back of your throat can relax into your airway while you sleep, obstructing airflow and causing interrupted breathing. During your consultation with one of our qualified medical nurses, we will closely examine your medical history, your lifestyle habits, and your airway to build a comprehensive picture of your likelihood of having sleep apnea. Can Losing Weight Cure Sleep Apnea? First, we want to be clear that not all patients who are overweight have sleep apnea, and not all people with sleep apnea are overweight. Our team can help you understand the myriad of other factors beyond weight that can cause sleep apnea. However, in some cases, losing excess weight can reduce your sleep apnea symptoms or even eliminate the condition completely. At Sleep Easy Dentistry, we use customized oral appliances to treat our patients with sleep apnea and ensure that they get the restful night’s sleep they deserve. Whether you’re looking for answers about the symptoms you are experiencing or you’re searching for an alternative to your CPAP machine, our team may be able to help. Call us today to set up your free consultation at one of our four convenient locations across San Antonio!
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December 2024