Humans aren’t the only animals to suffer from interrupted breathing, snoring, and fatigue caused by sleep apnea – dogs and other pets can also experience sleep apnea. Just like with humans, sleep apnea in dogs can have serious health consequences.
To help you determine whether a visit to the veterinarian is in order, we’ve put together following list of sleep apnea causes and symptoms in canines.
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Are you losing sleep over chronic snoring? You’re not alone: 37 million Americans snore on a regular basis. Not only does snoring prevent you from getting the restorative sleep you need, it can also disrupt the sleep of your loved ones. Sometimes, snoring relief is as easy as adjusting your routine or developing a new habit. We’ve rounded up five natural remedies that may help improve your sleep quality and ease your snoring.
If you regularly wake up tired and frustrated after another night of poor quality sleep, you are not alone. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 1 in 3 American adults do not get the sleep they need. Whether your lack of quality sleep is due to obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, or another sleep disorder, we may be able to help.
Dr. Osborne Named as Qualified Dentist by Expert Association
In February, our very own Dr. Osborne joined some of the leading sleep dentists and physicians worldwide in Chicago for a meeting of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM). Dr. Osborne received “Qualified Dentist” status recognizing his commitment to the field of dental sleep medicine. Dr. Osborne’s recognition sets him apart from other sleep medicine professionals in the San Antonio area. If you curse the alarm clock every morning after a night of restless sleep and snoring, you're not alone. Read on to learn more about what causes snoring, why snoring may mean you're not getting good sleep, and how we can help!
Sleep Easy Dentistry uses the latest technology to assist in diagnosing and treating sleep disorders. Learn more about the relationship between technology and sleep -- and how we can help you get a good night's sleep!
May 2024